Uni Sachen bei Eric Auer

Humanity must put an end to war
or war will put an end to humanity

John F. Kennedy

[Global (Thermonuclear) War is] A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

WOPR, in WarGames, 1983

[nach oben]

	2009-04-26	22:49:09	3-site-attachment-experiment
	2005-03-26	02:59:03	asr-mirror
	2009-04-26	19:49:01	coli-demos
	2009-05-06	01:12:33	computer-security
	2009-05-06	02:11:57	conc-sem
	2009-04-19	19:42:24	diplomarbeit
	2009-04-26	19:49:00	ecommerce
	2009-04-26	19:49:02	EditIM
	2009-04-26	22:56:07	eyetracker-smi-reading
	2009-04-26	22:54:15	farbreduktion
	2009-05-06	02:08:33	gram-enc
	2003-07-18	01:14:27	java-mandelbrot
	2009-04-26	19:28:15	java-reversi
	2000-10-01	02:18:53	ki-planen
	2009-05-06	02:11:03	lexsem2002
	2009-04-26	23:33:15	lift-demo
	2009-04-26	23:33:15	lift-sources
	2003-06-18	23:37:25	link14-3
	2007-10-27	23:18:23	linux-merkblatt
	2009-05-06	00:59:43	make-love-not-war
	2007-10-27	23:36:34	newtrack-eyetracker
	2009-05-06	02:15:07	papers-folien
	2009-05-06	02:09:17	phon-morph
	2009-04-26	15:11:33	prolog
	2009-05-05	23:52:05	prooftheoretic
	2009-05-06	02:14:10	rest
	2003-02-11	14:39:52	stuts-busse
	2009-05-06	02:07:37	textretrieval
	2009-05-06	01:14:37	zeugs


Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.

Dwight Eisenhower, April 16, 1953