Eric's "looked at the sources" answer to Bernd's NLS support table, (2/2005) Entries are in same (not explained) order as in NLSlist.txt ;-). *** Explanations for the list *** i18n = way to support translations: cats / kitten / recompile (build) cat(get)s / kitten can only be used for C programs for now. Kitten is a smaller drop-in replacement for cats. -!- could use kitten in future versions. NLS = whether country data is used for number / time / date display and for upcase tables, codepage settings and similar stuff --- means n/a, not applicable (no NLS related activities), -n- missing for number display, *D* missing date/time stuff, *C* missing for case tables, *P* missing codepage support. Other translated things: HELP database (German), COUNTRY.SYS (many languages), CPI/CPX fonts for DISPLAY.SYS (many languages). Other documentation should be translated, too. Other languages in i18n sets: Hungarian, Latvian, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, others. *** The big list *** Component Lang. i18n DE FR NL IT others NLS ----------------------------------------------------------- Kernel C/ASM n/a? yes Sys C -!- -n- FreeCOM C/ASM build old OLD yes old 1 yes (full?) NLSFUNC ASM --- yes Component Lang. i18n DE FR NL IT others NLS ----------------------------------------------------------- NANSI.SYS ASM --- *P*? APPEND ASM --- --- ATAPICDD.SYS ASM --- ---? EGA.SYS --- --- (part of CuteMouse functionality) EMM386 C/ASM -!- --- GRAFTABL --- --- (part of DISPLAY functionality) HIMEM C/ASM -!- ---? FDXMS286 ASM --- --- KEYB PAS/ASM build ??? yes CuteMOUSE ASM build yes yes yes yes 8 --- SHSUCDEX C/ASM -!- ---? FDAPM (power) ASM --- --- PRINT/PRINTQ ASM/C -!- -n-? PRINTER.SYS --- --- (to be in DISPLAY toolkit) DISPLAY.SYS ASM --- yes TDSK ASM other (/I=... for DE / ES) -n- SHARE C -!- --- LBACACHE ASM --- -n- CDRCACHE ASM --- -n- Component Lang. i18n DE FR NL IT others NLS ----------------------------------------------------------- ASSIGN C build yes --- CHKDSK C -!- -n- DEFRAG C/ASM -!- (help translateable) -n-*C* DISKCOMP C -!- -n- DISKCOPY C cats yes yes yes FDISK C -!- -n- FORMAT C -!- yes (full?) LABEL C -!- --- RECOVER C -!- ---? MIRROR C -!- -n- UNFORMAT C -!- -n- Component Lang. i18n DE FR NL IT others NLS ----------------------------------------------------------- ATTRIB C -!- --- DELTREE ASM --- --- FC C kitten yes yes yes 3 yes FIND C kitten yes yes yes 5 yes MORE C kitten yes yes 3 -n- MOVE C -!- --- REPLACE C -!- --- SORT C kitten yes yes 2 yes SUBST (swsubst) C build yes --- JOIN (swsubst) C build yes --- TREE C cats 1 --- UNDELETE C -!- -n- XCOPY C -!- -n- EDIT C -!- (help is translateable) yes Component Lang. i18n DE FR NL IT others NLS ----------------------------------------------------------- HELP C/ASM kitten yes yes 3 --- INSTALL C? kitten ??? -n- COMPINFO ASM/PAS --- (also has C parts!?) yes CHOICE C kitten yes yes 4 *C* DEBUG ASM --- --- EDLIN (edline) C build yes yes yes yes 9 --- EXE2BIN C -!- --- FASTHELP C cats ??? --- GRAPHICS ASM --- --- MEM C kitten (to be in version 1.7) -n- MODE C/ASM -!- yes CALLVER ASM --- --- *** Bonus information *** Source code line counts, kernel package has about 35000 lines: chkdsk (23k), EDIT (16k), EMM386 (14k), FDISK (21k), HELP (11k), INSIGHT debugger (17k), RECOVER (19k), VAL linker (10k), Most others are 1000s of lines of code. Below 1000 lines are: ATTRIB 582, BOOTEASY (of FDISK) 311, util BOOTFIX 709, CALLVER 206, COMP 678, util COUNT (bundled with UNDELETE) 350, EXE2BIN 211, FASTHELP 210, LABEL 747, util LWINFO drive info 356, METAKERN 925, util MORESYS 447, PRINTQ 379, RAREAD 346 (but use DISKCOPY...), REPLACE 540, util RUNTIME 120, SHARE 749, SORT 979, util TRCH 188, util WHATIS 583, util WHICH (standalone version) 839. Things with many messages: chkdsk, diskcopy, dosfsck, emm386, fdisk, format, kernel, help, recover, mode, undelete. Things which are below 4k and therefore not cool to translate: callver, (moresys), (global), (cal), exe2bin, comp, tickle, tee, (touch), graphics (the components of it), (cmos), atapicdd, append, display, deltree, label. Of those, only TEE, EXE2BIN, and LABEL are written in C anyway. For example CHOICE got 1.2k bigger in UPXed size when kitten support got added. Good candidates for i18n support are: attrib, (callver), comp (superseded by fc), fasthelp (?), label, exe2bin (missing fixed-load-segment mode), printq, replace, share.